Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Overview Of The Bible

The Bible is the biography of the creation of the universe and all it contains and the plan for mankind to ultimately be together with God in his Kingdom. The Bible is divinely inspired and thus it has the unique characteristics of historical accuracy and prophetic content as no other book.
The first book of the Bible is called "Genesis" which is the foundational beginning of everything and the last book is "Revelation" which is about the end of all things. From the beginning and throughout the Bible until it's end, the focal subject is Jesus Christ who was sent from God to live as a man and die for all men as a sinless savior. He was resurrected from the dead and has ascended back to God and has been given the right to rule a kingdom to come which will be the ultimate kingdom making him King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
This blog will tell about the ways of the Kingdom and encourage those who seek the right way to follow Jesus. Welcome to the great journey that has a narrow path and leads to the streets of gold in the heavenly city called "The New Jerusalem".